GASTEIN (Events 2020 cancelled)

Fr 3.7. wandernd 11.15 - 16.00 Uhr cancelled
Sa 4.7. wandernd 11.15 - 16.00 Uhr cancelled
So 5.7. wandernd 11.15 - 16.00 Uhr cancelled

In ‘HERDE und STALL’ a handful of dancers and actors live with a handful of goats, fawns, calves and birds in a shared enclosure. They form a small herd, first on their farm, then in SZENE’s theatre space. Here a hearing is held for all the senses in which animals and people each have their own ideas: the goats take care of their young, the fawns practice climbing, the calf holds itself back – and the humans tell stories.

In his new production Hubert Lepka examines the issue of
human settlement. What did this step mean for our civilization? Even the Old Testament offers a template that is similar to an instruction manual for farmers: an evening is woven around the tale of Abraham and his son Isaac about the relationship between humans and farm animals, agriculture and livestock, loyalty and sacrifice.

Almschauspiel in Gastein. In Herde und STALL hausen eine Handvoll Tänzer und Schauspieler mit einer Handvoll Geißen, Kitz, Kalb und Geflügel in einem gemeinsamen Gehege. Sie bilden eine kleine Herde.